My ongoing love for you knows no bounds.
I discovered the DiscWorld when I was 17, a friend who worked at the bookstore in the mall suggested the first novel, thinking that I would like it.

Boy was she right. I have read every book he's ever written, and when Geoff and I worked at Bolen Books, He came to do a reading and a signing and I got a hug. From. Terry. Pratchett.
It was awesome and weird.
I have a picture of it tucked into my copy of Good Omens, which is boxed up somewhere under my parent's house.
I named my cat after a character that I love, still love, although now reading that book (
Good Omens, which I started into again last night) is bittersweet, because I don't have that little bastard anymore. He definitely suited his name though, and I am hoping still does.
For Christmas Geoff gave me
The Colour of Magic and
The Light Fantastic graphic novels, and I finished them last night (hence the starting into
Good Omens again)

I might have to read the whole series again now!