Here is the long over due third installment of our honey moon photos.
The trip to the Hot Springs was definitely a highlight.
On the way TO the Hot springs we saw a mama bear and her two cubs.

AND we saw some seals chilling out on some big rocks.

There was one big guy that just stared at us the whole time we rode by. All the others hopped into the water, but he was holding it down.
The boat ride itself was probably 30-40 minutes so we got to see lots of beautiful shoreline, and then once we got to the docks at the hotsprings side, we had a 30 minute walk up to the Hot Springs themselves.

A lot of the boards that make up the walkway to the springs have names carved into them. "Guava Jelly" was my particular fave.
The hot springs themselves were a series of 5 or 6 natural pools in the rocks
(I didn't get too many pictures that didn't have tourists in them so no up close shots for you, sorry!) They really are amazing and if you get a chance to go there sometime I highly recommend it.
The ride back, our Captain Pipo took us around the open ocean side so that we might get lucky and see some whales. And boy did we!
I didn't take any pictures because the moment was too amazing to run in for the camera, but we spent probably 15 minutes hanging out with a pod of 6 California Grey Whales that were I KID YOU NOT, only about 20 ft out from the boat most of the time.
It. Was. Incredible.
One of them swam under the boat and surfaced not even 10 feet away from us.
An experience I will NEVER forget.