like I am that New Moon is in theaters in less than a month?
I just caught Twilight on cable and poked around the New Moon website for a bit and I am practically spinning with excitement.
Like I am feeling like I might have to read them again ASAP, like right now.
Except that my MOM made me give her all of the books back so she could read them.
This is genetic folks.
(um, so how F-ing gorge is my lovely Edward in that poster?? I'm not quite sure what to do with myself)
I get to go to the Victoria premier because my friend's little sister is the owner of the Twilight Teens forum. NO joke. SHE gets to go to the Hollywood red carpet premier and meet them all.
No joke.
I'm currently in my hotel room in Vancouver watching them film something down below me and frantically trying to spot a sexy vampire.
I'm excited too!
Book 2 was my least favorite, but I'm still stoked (secretly). I can't wait to see what they do with Breaking Dawn though!
(nerrrrrrd alert)
Lucky bitch! I am mad jealous.
I didn't think that I would become this obsessed over some teen novels, but I am past trying to control myself anymore.
My Mom and my sister are also totally obsessed!
I want them all to be ready to watch RIGHT NOW!
Geoff is very patient with me, he's a good man.
Although I am sure that I'm going to hear it when he notices that I am re reading them AGAIN.
(I am actually cackling with mad laughter right now.)
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