Apr 1, 2011

The Daily Countdown has begun

So it's April 1st today, and this is in no way a joke.

We're 25 days away from our due date.

There is a seemingly endless list of THINGS that I want to do before our Sonny get's here.

In no particular order...

*finish his room
-this entails painting, assembling his crib, decorating and sewing projects

*a freezer bake
-I can't reasonably expect our lovely friends and family to accomodate all of our food restrictions so I have a few recipes that I want to prep and freeze so we've got a couple of weeks of dinners at least covered.

*paint the living room
-this has been on my list for AGES and I just haven't had the chance to get around to it. But I am hoping that after we get his room done and I've got a couple weeks of mat leave before he gets here (hopefully) that I can sneak a day of painting in there and get it done. It's only three walls and it shouldn't take me that long, but I know that once he gets here it ain't happening.

*Baby Crafts
-these are purely optional, but things that I WANT to do, like a mobile for his room, prepping up an old thrifted sheet set into wipes, little things that I have wanted to do since we found out he was coming but that I couldn't justify doing until I had packed up the studio. We'll just see how this list comes together!

I am sure there are a lot more things on this list than I can think of right now too.



Kaisha said...

Let the nesting begin! I can't believe you only have 25(ish) days until baby time!! Don't forget to add sleeping and relaxing to that list.
Let me know if you need any help with anything.


Somehow I predict the optionals will get done first. That is how it usually works in my world anyways. I wish I wasn't sick so we could come visit and help with something...


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