Hello delicious!
I've started taping French Food at Home with Laura Calder and I am having a bit of a girl crush. Like I would love it if we met and we became friends and then we could hang out kind of crush.
The first episode that I taped featured this lentil soup recipe and I made it tonight.
Chorizo croutes and all.
It was delish. I ended up doubling the recipe because I started soaking the lentils this morning without referring to the recipe first, but it was really close to being exactly double that I just went with it. And it totally worked. (no picture, sorry!)
I even drizzled some of the chorizo oil as a garnish.
Geoff was impressed.
And since I ended up doubling the recipe we've both got lunch tomorrow.
Which is rad.
Everything she makes on the show looks amazing and I am completely inspired to cook something after watching it.
And I am just realizing now that the food network website is AMAZING.
Like I feel like I may loose some serious chunks of my life reading recipes.
Trouble? Wonderful!
And I am feeling all kitcheny and homey these past few days. Last week I baked a loaf of bread (from a mix admittedly, but it turned out really well and we had fresh, hot cinnamon raisin bread with a completely reasonable amount of work on my part. So what? Who cares!) A loaf that turned out so well in fact that I picked up a "hearty Grain bread" mix to try.
Which I am thinking I will make tomorrow morning.
Oh I can't even get into how awesome it will be if that mix is good. It might be fresh bread all the time around here.
With butter. And tea. 3 meals a day.
Sounds like a wonderful day! Sometimes it's the simple things in life that make it all the more special...like fresh baked bread. Keep enjoying life ~
Oh yum. I'm hungry and my stomach (and husband, likely) thank you for the inspiration!
I have been watching Laura for a few years now (PVR too)and I love her. They film in NS too, oh the irony... We went to France for our honeymoon and got to sample several regional cuisines. I love how she applies her formal French book-learnin' to her Canadian roots, in the kitchen. My dream is to get her and Jamie Oliver to come to my B&B (just to hang out and harvest the bounty of my garden, cook and eat good food, very quietly and unbeknownst to the world). Wouldn't that be a pipe dream!
PS: I would invite their families too. And Jana this is Sam in case you don't know my e-address.
YEAH! Hi Sam!
I did not know your email address.
Have you started your blog yet? I am going to check right now!
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