Jan 16, 2010

New year new look?

I am thinking about making some changes to JanamadeThis. As you may have noticed, I have a website too. A lovely homepage that links to my Etsy shop, this blog and my flickr photos. I am thinking that I might amalgamate the website into this blog and update some features. I'd really love to make the site address for this blog janamade.com. Take the features of the website and add them in a more direct way to this blog, update the layout and generally take a step towards the FUTURE.

(There will always be capitol letters however. Never fear!)

I am just thinking of ways to make things run smoother, feel cleaner and more streamlined.

I'll be updating my business cards too! No more crossing out my old Vancouver number and handwriting in my current Victoria number! (I had 1000 cards printed the month before we left Vancouver without really taking that into consideration until we got here and I had to change my number. I honestly thought I could keep it. Alas, that was not the case!)

So if you pop by here and things look weird or you've got some advice for me on how to do it, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to email me at janamade.design@gmail.com, or leave me a comment. I love it when I get comments!

I look forward to what this blog will become and getting to know you as well.



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