Jun 28, 2013

Sweet 16 Woozy Ring

I was commissioned to make a ring for a sweet 16 gift a little while back.
I sat down with her and her Mom and we talked about what she thought she might like and settled on a Woozy Ring.
It's a tradition in their family that every woman gets an emerald ring for their 16th birthday, isn't that lovely?

I think so too!

Jun 26, 2013

The Worst Pancakes I've Ever Made

This is them.
Right here.

I am a free spirited pancake maker.  I am not one for strictly following any recipes, let alone PANCAKES, which for the most part, are generally pretty fool proof.


These disgusting specimens however, have me thinking I might have to rethink this philosophy.

At least until I've got a few more good batches under my belt.

These were entirely raw on the inside and pretty burnt on the outside.

Sonny tried one and immediately gave it back to me. 
"No like" he says.
"Bad pancake"

Let the record show that the little human who will pretty much eat anything we put in front of him, was not interested in these.

Which is fair because they were Pretty Bad.  Capital letters people.

I blame the carrot pulp from the juice we had that morning that I based these around.

It should have been a feature, not a main!

Lesson learned.

Jun 25, 2013

Toddler Tuesday :: Literature for Toddlers

I jest.
As this is his very own copy of Batman comics.

That we made sure was age appropriate before we gave it to him.

This kid loves him some Batman.

Jun 24, 2013

DIY Sandwichboard "It's nice to be Handy"

It was on my list for Ursa that I would try to save money as much as I could.  Since this was the first time I have tried anything like this, I was SUPER CHARGED to do everything myself.
And I knew right away that I was going to build sandwich boards.  
I mean, it's just two pieces of wood!
So a couple of weeks before the event, Sonny and I went out adventuring with the stroller (YES THE STROLLER!  Why the heck would I need a CAR for something like this??  This is my cross to bear I am afraid... a can do attitude without the forethought to MEASURE the width of the stroller to see if my plans would even work.)  It literally didn't even occur to me until I watched the nice guy from the Do It Center carrying the freshly cut boards back over to me.

They definitely weren't fitting under the stroller like I had flippantly pictured it.
But that's cool.  Sonny and I are adaptable and it was a nice day.
So off came the stroller seat, down it went into the lower basket, the GIANT, super heavy boards were loaded on top and Sonny got carried, CARRIED IN MY ARMS because he didn't want to walk and hold my hand as we walked the two blocks to the bus stop.

It actually wasn't that bad.  But I was really happy to sit down on that bus.

But I digress!
Putting the sandwich boards together was a snap!

I picked up a set of hinges, tiny screws with wide heads (because the screws that came with the hinges were too long and would have pushed through to the front of the Sammie Board (that's what I'm calling it now, for your records), some short lengths of chain to secure the sides while we were out too.

I laid the boards out JUST LIKE THIS and literally just screwed the hinges in about 3 inches from either side.

 This was my super high tech system to attach the chains, because these boards are NOT lightweight and it was a little tricky while I sorted it out in my head/in real life how I was going to line up the chain and screw it in at the same time.

I used a power drill for all of this too.
Let's not get too crazy.

Both sides got a couple of coats of chalkboard paint and VOILA!!

Handmade, DIY Sammie Boards at a fraction of the cost.
I think all in all I spent one hour and $40 on this.

Plus I bought enough wood et al to make ANOTHER ONE!!

Jun 21, 2013

a breather break

I'm taking one!
As of last Saturday I had organized an event for the first time, danced in a PERFORMANCE for the first time (yeah I did), and generally wore myself out so that Sunday afternoon rolled around with a vicious head cold.

Sonny got it too.

But we are now on the mend and will be back to our usual silly selves next week!

With lots of new stuff to share.


Jun 13, 2013

Oh How Pinteresting :: Tree Drawing

I think that this one can stand all on it's own.

How insanely amazing is this??

It's pretty Insanely Amazing is what.

I totally want a tree original.

Jun 11, 2013

Don't Stop Me Now!

I am a woman who loves Queen.
Like, play all of the albums back to back all day long while dancing it the heck up.

This is not something that Geoff and I share.  I understand that operatic, anthem style rock ballads are not for everyone.

But they sure are for me.

This might be my new ring tone.

I might be INTENSELY pleased about this.

Jun 10, 2013

Tiny notebook in lap, giant blanket on dog

We have had some really lovely weather around here in the last couple of weeks and I snapped this picture while Norman and I were soaking up some of it while Sonny napped.

Thank goodness that kid still naps!  I would never get anything done!

Norman IS in that blanket.  You can just see his nose peeking out right above the seat of my chair.

Jun 6, 2013

Noticing my Neighborhood

Sonny actually pointed this out, so I can't take credit.
On the sea wall on our walk.

I don't know how long this little guy has been there, but I am glad we spotted him.

Jun 4, 2013

Toddler Tuesdays :: Jaunty Frenchman

 We had a cocoa smoothie this morning and then this jaunty Frenchman joined me for breakfast.

Jun 3, 2013

Ursa Preperations are underway!

Posters are up all over town, handbills are in and being distributed to anyone who will listen.
I was on the radio and I MIGHT BE ON TV, vendors are getting ready, garlands are being strung and spray painted (hello silver and gold!), sandwich board is being prepped, my studio is in the middle of a move and I've got bangles in various stages of completion.  New leather bib necklaces are being sampled and made and I AM SO EXCITED!

I hope you can make it!
This Saturday, June 8th from 10-4

Admission is free, but if you bring in a non perishable food item to be donated to the local food bank, your name will be entered into a draw for THREE gift bags!  Gift bags that will have goodies from:
Toy & Ming
Sarah Mulligan Glass
Nest 19
Modern Genes
Wandering Hive
Emily Donner
Dainty Dokuro
Elise Carolyn Designs


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