It was exactly what I needed after a couple straight weekends of serious painting (our house and my work).
We got a chance to organize a lot of our random stuff up there as well.
The most hilarious of which was Geoff's toys.
So many action figures.
There were boxes of up there that were strewn about the deck so we could go through them. And we donated a pretty big chunk of it when we were done too.
As well as a few bags of clothes and other things that we were holding onto from our Halifax days that we literally hadn't looked at since we packed it up 3 years ago.
It was really good to clear it out. And I found a few things that I had been looking for as well.
This weekend it's catch up time. I've got 2 big projects to finish up and then it's time for INVENTORY.
Oh yes.
(I heard back from Circle Craft this week. Didn't get in. But considering that I sent them the wrong package with the PIXILATED photos (I KNOW!) I don't really blame them.)
My friends Cara and Angie are coming over this weekend though to help me go over some marketing things (because I am so bad at it myself) and I am hoping that I can discuss the possibility of a great catologue with them while they are here.
So nice to creatively brainstorm.
So next year, Circle Craft!
-I am selling my bike. I rode it once last year to work and haven't touched it since. My legs were entirely made of jelly for days!
I love it, but I need to find something a bit lighter for living in a city entirely made of hills!
Please let me know if you know anyone who might be interested.