Hello folks, just a quick post to let you know that I am in fact alive and didn't perish in the move.
We had no water or internet hook up for the first week, and I am still not sure where the computer that I blog from actually is right now.
(I am at Geoff's Mom's house right now, stealing a quick moment to blog.)
So it will likely be another week or two before regular posting resumes.
For those who are biting at their fingernails to read about what I am up to.
yeah you Mom.I know it's SO EXCITING to hear about the dog and my hair and all that.
(quick note, I changed my bangs and wasn't so sure, I actually had a bit of a cry on my walk home from the salon, but they are growing in now and I found my straightener. No more tears!)
And the dog is fine, quite enjoying the sunshine on the deck actually.
So there you have it.
Back to my usual rant about shoes before you know it.